
The mission of the Iowa Department of Human Rights (IDHR) is to empower underrepresented Iowans through advocating for the elimination of economic, social, and cultural barriers to full participation in civic life. To that aim, we analyzed data and created indicators to identify employment and earnings opportunities for disproportionately impacted communities in Iowa. These communities include racial and ethnic minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities. We also developed a web application to explore language usage across the state of Iowa. 

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Joseph Zemmels 

Iowa State University, Statistics Ph.D. Student 





Avery Schoen 

University of Chicago, Statistics




Dylan Mack 

Washington University in St. Louis 




Zack Johnson 

Iowa State University, Political Science, Undergraduate 





Chris Seeger 

Lead Investigator and Professor, Extension Specialist in Geospatial Technologies, Iowa State University

Bailey Hanson 

Extension Specialist in Community Data and GIS, GISP, Iowa State University 


Tina Shaw  

Data & Government Access Officer, Iowa Department of Human Rights

Monica Stone 

Administrator, Community Advocacy and Services Division, Iowa Department of Human Rights

Other Advisors

Sandy Burke 

Research Scientist III, Community and Economic Development, Iowa State University

Liesl Eathington 

Research Scientist III and Iowa Community Indicators Program Coordinator, Iowa State University