
How does the educational path of minorities, women or older adults differ from those of other general population individuals in Iowa? What types of jobs do various educational pathways lead to for minorities?  

 The aim of this project is to develop a series of indicators that identify the post-secondary educational attainment of disproportionately impacted communities in Iowa. The team has investigated data related to educational opportunities, attainment and outcomes of the identified population groups. These data has been cleaned and integrated into a data pipeline. To finally be presented as engaging, unbiased infographics and visuals through a publication series titled Just the Facts.  

The team has worked closely with the DHR educational attainment and economic and workforce development teams to collaborate on and share general data resources such as population, demographics and languages spoken that are specifically related to the identified disproportionately impacted populations in Iowa. The team has worked closely with the DHR educational attainment and economic and workforce development teams to collaborate with and share general data resources such as population, demographics and languages spoken that specifically related to the identified disproportionately impacted populations in Iowa.   

Teaser Video

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Amanda Rae

Iowa State University, Graduate Sociology Student and Research Assistant  





Laailah Ali 

Washington State University, Undergraduate Major in Economics; Minors in Human Development and Sociology 




Max Ruehle 

Iowa State University, Undergraduate Majors in Statistics and Data Science 




Ellie Uhrhammer 

Drake University, Undergraduate Majors in Data Analytics and Mathematics 





Chris Seeger 

Lead Investigator and Professor, Extension Specialist in Geospatial Technologies, Iowa State University

Bailey Hanson 

Extension Specialist in Community Data and GIS, GISP, Iowa State University 


Tina Shaw  

Data & Government Access Officer, Iowa Department of Human Rights

Monica Stone 

Administrator, Community Advocacy and Services Division, Iowa Department of Human Rights


Sandy Burke 

Research Scientist III, Community and Economic Development, Iowa State University

Liesl Eathington 

Research Scientist III and Iowa Community Indicators Program Coordinator, Iowa State University