
We study the connection of Army jobs and skills acquired through jobs like those army jobs to create a unique vector of skills associated with the Army. Veterans are often crowded out in job searches because they don’t know what skills they have acquired in their tenure. We utilize a unique ONET crosswalk that connects Army MOS codes with SOC codes and then connect these to job ads from Burning Glass. This research provides an overview of skills acquired in the Army which can provide information to Army Veterans on the jobs they may be best suited for and the skills they can place on their resumes.

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Morgan Stockham

Claremont Graduate University, Department of Economic Sciences 





Asia Porter

Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Sociology 




Stephanie Zhang

University of Virginia, College of Arts and Sciences 





Josh Goldstein

Research Assistant Professor, Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia

Aritra Halder

Research Assistant Professor, Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia

Joanna Schroeder

Research Specialist, Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia


Andy Slaughter

Senior Research Psychologist, US Army Research Institute