
FOLAR is local non-profit organization with a mission to “conserve and protect the Appomattox River for all to enjoy.” As a part of that mission, FOLAR is providing leadership to the development of the Appomattox River Trail, a 25 mile long trail system through the region for walking and biking. Our team explored a range of data to make arguments for developing the local walking and biking infrastructure in terms of economics, transportation, and health outcomes.

Teaser Video:

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Research Project Webpage:

Click here for more details about the project including findings, data, and methods.


JaiDa Robinson

Virginia State University, Counselor Education

Courtney Lawson

Virginia State University, Computer Science


Kyle Jacobs

Virginia State University, Agriculture

Mychala Walker

Virginia State University, Political Science

Reginald Toure

Virginia State University, Computer Science

Kyra Faison

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Environmental Science


Sarah Witiak

Associate Professor, Biology, Virginia State University

Brian Sayre

Professor, Biology, Virginia State University

Dong Yoo

Associate Professor, Computer Information Systems, Virginia State University

Wei-Bang Chen

Associate Professor, Computer Science, Virginia State University

M. Omar Faison

Assistant Vice President, Research, Virginia State University


Friends of the Lower Appomattox River (FOLAR)